21 May 2014

Growing JHA

So after a few weeks of being extra-busy, thanks to my happily expanded availability, things have quieted down here at JHA. In some ways, that's great - I'm getting things done at my house and catching up on paperwork and crossing things off lists - but for my income, and for my practice, that's not so promising.

Something I'm rather bad at, maybe willfully, is marketing my business. Branding. Blahdy blah. I'm not aggressive in seeking new clients, and I don't care to make people feel manipulated or pressured into coming for a session. I've worked for people like that, and I find the sales pitch distasteful. Maybe I just have this sense that my people will come, that I don't have to coerce someone into taking my card or cold call strangers or bother existing clients until they rebook. 

There is a certain chemistry between a massage therapist and client that is either there or not; if it's there, you begin to build a relationship with each session. You ideally work together to bring things into balance. There is mutual trust and respect and kindness and communication. It's sort of a self-selecting practice, which is very cool; it means that the people I work with regularly are people I trust and like. I enjoy working with them and feel invested in their well-being ... and they certainly contribute to mine, in no small part with my continued ability to live in a house and eat food. Yay food and shelter!

I find that most of these excellent clients come to me organically: either I already know them (hi, guys!) or they are referred by someone that's already been on my table. This is so meaningful -- I deeply appreciate the vote of confidence, and the fact that I work alone and in my home brings safety into play more dramatically than when I had a professional office some distance from my private life. (I seldom get calls from complete strangers here, which is likely for the best.)

I do perform some basic marketing work. I publicly post cards and coupons and if someone talks to me about their pain I offer what knowledge and services I can. I periodically mail information to local businesses offering on-site chair and table work. But all that's just ... filler. The real story of my practice will always be the people who come, who send their friends and family members, who think of me when a coworker says how stressed and achy they feel. 

Existing clients are the primary way my business grows, and though it's a slow process, I kind of love it. Their visits and their referrals allow new clients - good, honest, safe clients - to find me in the first place, and to keep coming back if the work is helpful. I cannot overstate the importance they have in making this very small business grow. :) Thank you SO MUCH to all my amazing clients for all you do, for every visit and every person you send my way.

So: if you are reading these words, you're hired! Ha! Just kidding: I do understand that you are not my marketing department. I know it's my actual job to keep JHA in existence and I loathe when small businesses try to guilt people into supporting them. But without you, I'm just a girl whose healing hands are idle. You literally allow my most meaningful work to take shape. So how can you help?

If you have been meaning to come in, please do! If you are looking for a gift, consider massage certificates! If you've never tried massage therapy and you're curious or would like to know more, get in touch! You can honestly ask me anything. If you haven't liked the Juniper Healing Arts Facebook page, please click through! If you've been a client and have had a good experience, please rate me there or leave a review - or even better, share the page to your friends! Most of all, when someone tells you how tired they are, how stiff and stressed and sad, please do tell them to text or call me any time. I'd love to meet your people. :)

As for marketing, I have no plans to start spamming inboxes now that I am back to full time, and I won't be calling to say how long it's been since your last visit or ask when you plan to use your gift certificate. I won't be accosting strangers in elevators and hallways, saying they look tense or pointing out their painful-looking posture (that only happens in my head, haha). I do plan to use my blog a bit more, as if anyone is interested. ;) It helps me map my process and allows me to easily communicate with those I may not often see. If there are any topics you'd like me to address, any massage strategies or health questions or whatever, don't be shy! Leave a comment and I will address it if I can. 

This practice is nothing without you, and EVERYTHING with you.


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