17 December 2014

Take Care

As festive, colorful, and fun as the holiday season can sometimes be, it can equally be stressful, frustrating, and emotionally difficult. If you're not feeling wintry sparkle-magic, it can be hard to communicate that to those around you or give yourself permission to really take a moment and honor what you're feeling.

Shopping. Wrapping. Decorating. Cleaning. Preparing food. Hosting. Traveling. Dealing with crowds and traffic and social obligations and kids home from college (or being home on break yourself). These logistical and financial demands can be extra-overwhelming when added to everyday responsibilities. Maybe you're going through something that makes the holidays even harder; perhaps there is drama or dysfunction to navigate in your family or you're experiencing grief or trauma that is intensified during the holidays. You might feel fragile and weepy or snappish and tense. Or all of the above! It's all okay.

It seems especially important this time of year to just start where you are. To give yourself space to feel whatever you feel. To check in and carve out time to care for yourself, whether you love the holidays or dread them.

Time passes and finances are tight and things are so busy; self-care becomes just another thing to feel guilty and stressed about. But there are many small things that can honor and lighten a heavy heart or stressed mind, and everyone has something that helps. Take a break to hit the gym or take a walk outdoors. Stretch on the floor or drop in to a yoga class. Do some meditation. Focus on your heart. Breathe deeply. Throw on some clean linens and go to bed early to maximize your sleep and rest. Drink a bunch of water and eat something awesome and healthy. Be good to your skin and hair and body. Catch a movie or start an absorbing book. Begin a creative project that inspires you. Write a letter or journal entry. Listen to music you love while you work and drive and wrap presents and pay bills. Light a candle or incense to ground your space. Call a friend or book a session with a therapist if you're feeling overwhelmed.

And if it doesn't sound too mercenary, and you are moved to schedule some bodywork, make an appointment with your massage therapist! That's what I and my colleagues are here for. To bring a bit of relief, restoration, and flexibility - on any random day or when the road seems especially dark or overwhelming.

I had a massage myself this week for the first time in waaaaay too long, and I'd forgotten how amazing it can feel to be on the other side of the proverbial table. Having someone check in with how you're feeling, how you're resting, where you're tense or holding pain and stress. Having someone relate with compassion and take time to listen... As someone who spends lots of time alone and takes care of herself with less or more success, it was wonderful to be tended to, and a perfect birthday treat from my beloved.

Try not to fret if you sometimes lose the thread and don't do a great job of taking time for yourself. There is no need for guilt or recrimination. Be gentle with yourself! If it's been a while, just start over. Make a loose plan. Try, in some small way, to regularly check in and do something good for you. Honor your worried mind. Your fatigued body. Your achy heart. And if there is anything I can offer, please do come see me. 

I've got lots of availability in the next few weeks, and I'm offering long-term (9- and 12-hour) package specials in December that would set you up for a months and months of table time at my very lowest rate. Visit my online store to purchase a session or package or call or text me at 315-422-2228 to set something up. I would love to be part of your self-care commitment.

What helps when you're stressed or overwhelmed? What advice do you have for those that struggle to find the energy for self-care? How do you create space and time during the holidays? Are you mapping out a plan for connection and wellness in the new year? 

I wish you the best. :)

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